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DVD Profiler's Unlimited registration is a one-time purchase and will be good for every version of DVD Profiler for Windows released. As we continue to add new features to DVD Profiler, some will be available with a free registration, but all will be available to Unlimited registrants without additional cost.
If you have a premium key from version 2, first create an Invelos account, then you can update to a version 3 key for free from the Registration page, selecting Update Key at the left.
Note that we may offer additional premium services that are not directly part of the program, and which have an additional cost.
For users of our iPhone and Android apps, rest assured that a purchase of those programs also include all current and future updates for the purchased app platform.
You can download the online profile list directly from your browser and save it to your "My Documents\DVD Profiler" directory. The next time you start DVD Profiler, it will automatically import the downloaded file.
Download the file by right-clicking on the download link below and selecting "Save Target As". Then, browse to your "My Documents" folder, then into "DVD Profiler" from there. Save the downloaded file.
Download link: OnlineList.dod
First, create an account at by selecting New Account at the top right. Then, visit the Registration page and select Update Key. Enter your old key to get a new key compatible with version 3 and above.
If you don't have your old key, visit to sign into your old account and view your old key information.
The problem is caused by parental control settings. Note that disabling parental control in DVD Profiler does not affect the online settings!
The Online Collection system defines Adult titles as any title with either an Adult genre or an Adult rating.
On the website, under My Profiler->Online Collection->Settings, check whether adult titles are set to display. There are two settings - the "Private" setting, which controls what is seen when you're logged in, and the "Public" setting, which controls what others see.
Select Tools->Reports to access DVD Profiler's Reports feature. DVD Profiler includes a custom report editor so you can print your collection exactly as you prefer.
You can also download additional reports here.
Are you running Window Blinds or another desktop enhancement software? If so, configure the software to allow DVD Profiler to use standard Windows controls.
If not, please try running a database repair: You can run the repair utility directly from the Start menu under the DVD Profiler program group.
If DVD Profiler still won't start, press and hold CTRL as the program launches. You'll get a diagnostic startup screen that will help determine the cause.
If bypassing the version check solves the issue, the problem is being caused by your local firewall - configure it to allow DVD Profiler access to the Internet.
First, check your parental control options, under Tools->Options->Parental Control. It may be set to classify NR DVDs as 'adult', which may be hiding the DVD in question.
If the DVD still doesn't show, it may not yet be available in our database. DVD Profiler's database is built from user contributions, so you may choose to add the DVD yourself and user the Online->Contribute option to submit your addition for others to share.
To add a DVD that's not in the database, add it by UPC. The program will prompt you for additional information (such as title, release date, and production year).
Contributions are evaluated by our team of contribution specialists before they are integrated into the online database. Depending on current load, this can take as little as one day but may take significantly more.
You can check the status of your contribution from the My Profiler section of our site.
The default parental control password is 'acknowledgement'.
To reset the password to the default password, select Tools->Options->Utilities->Reset Parental Control Password.
First, select Tools->Options->Online, and click Test Internet Connection. DVD Profiler will self-configure and attempt to access the Invelos servers.
If the connection test fails and you are otherwise able to access the Internet, the problem is very likely due to a local firewall. Configure your firewall to allow DVD Profiler to access the Internet, (specifically to and
Once you've reconfigured your firewall, retry the Test Internet Connection feature.
This is caused by having two website accounts, one with an Unlimited Registration and one without. To make sure you're logging in with your premium account, select the link at the bottom of the Sign In page to sign in with your name and registration key. Use the name and key entered in DVD Profiler.
Once you're logged in to the premium account, visit the My Profiler page to change your account alias if desired. Note that aliases must be unique, so if you want to use the alias from your other (unpaid) account on your premium account, you'll need to first change the free account alias to something else.
Although we encourage users to reward helpful posts, positive feedback can be used for any reason. You can spend all your positive feedback on one person or spread it out among many.
Negative feedback should only be used when warranted. Although this can be subjective, here are some general guidelines:
If you find yourself about to rate a post negative based solely on the poster's identity, take a moment to consider whether the content of the post is detrimental to the community.
Administrators will monitor feedback and will take action where needed. In questionable cases, the feedback may be removed. In cases of gross misuse of the rating system, the rater's reputation may be lowered by the administrator. In repeated cases of gross misuse, the rater's privilege to rate posts may be revoked. Before taking any action against your account, administrators will contact the user via PM, and will give warnings first whenever possible.