Lots of changes on the new version this time.
Get the app from:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yterbia.android.mylod (or wait some hours until Google Play offers you the update if you have the app already installed).
Windows Updater:
http://goo.gl/ODCkuzFeel free to contact me with suggestions or questions, at
android@yterbia.comWhat's new:
MyLoD 2.7
- "Tags" importing *and* filtering, suggested by Dedcap.
- Another filter by "Genres". You can put several items, it's inclusive of everything you select.
- Finally, I have taken into serious consideration the 2.6 suggestion of Nito about cast & crew representation. Now, every piece of information is imported, and the dividers are very good looking on the discs where they are used (they aren't very common yet).
- Tabs in landscape mode were ugly! Kids, you have to tell me these things! :-) I've improved their aspect.
- Some unknown data has been marked as such on several fields of the app.
- Fling movement re-done: now you can change from one tab to the next or previous by "flinging" ¿? at least an inch horizontally and not much vertically, so as not to interfere with scrolling.
- Release notes and version history added with every version of the Windows updater.
- Small bugfixes:
* Cancel troubles during image transfers from the Windows updater.
* Audio info export trouble in certain cases. Fixed.
* The "purchase place" filter had a phantom option. Fixed.
* Sometimes, the sort order dialog had no default option. Fixed.
Due to the format changes (new tags importing, cast & crew different processing), you
*must* use the Windows updater program just after installing this update,
it won't work with the data already on your phone. There's a new reminder of that when you open the app (I also hate those reminders, but the info is shown really wrong with the old database info, the update is really worthy).
I hope you like this new version!